Delaware Heroin Addiction on the Rise
Due to Delaware’s close proximity to major drug distribution hubs like Philadelphia and New York, there is a large availability of dangerous drugs such as heroin and other opiate based narcotics. Dangerous drugs such as Heroin, and oxycontin are becoming increasingly available especially in northern Delaware as drug distributors are beginning to relocate from their source cities such as New York and Philadelphia, to more remote areas up north.
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The increasing availability of cheaper, higher purity heroin has led to an increasing concern all over the state. What may be most concerning is that heroin use is on the rise not only in Delaware's large metropolitan areas around Wilmington and Dover, but also on the rise in Delaware's suburban areas as well. Heroin is a growing problem all over the state of Delaware and is becoming popular among teens and young adults. The perception that heroin is only a problem in Delaware's urban metropolitan areas is simply no longer accurate.
Fighting a Heroin Addiction
Everyday thousands of people across the country are involved in a dangerous battle against drug addiction. While drug abuse has been thought of in recent years as a problem only associated with people in lower socioeconomic urban areas, new evidence is start to reveal a much more widespread problem. As heroin and other powerful opiates become more available to a large segment of the population, it is inevitable that this problem will spread regardless of age, race or position in life. Addiction knows no bounds, and can strike at anyone, anywhere.
The first step to battling a heroin addiction is to first admit that you have a problem. One must understand that heroin addiction, just like any other addiction, is a mental disease and needs to be treated as such. Many addicts will go on for years denying that they have any problem at all, and heroin addicts are often the last people around them to admit they have a problem. By admitting you have a problem you are taking responsibility for your own actions and realizing that it is not all your fault and that addiction can be a powerful force in anyone's life.
Seeking Treatment with Suboxone in Delaware
Suboxone is a prescription medication that is very effective in treating heroin and other opiate addictions. Suboxone is administered in a Delaware outpatient setting and helps to reduce and ease withdrawal symptoms associated with addiction to opiate based drugs. Suboxone is a partial opioid, which means that it's active ingredient Buprenorphine contains some affects that are similar to opioids. While the affects are far less than those experienced on a full opioid like heroin or oxycontin, they are powerful enough to help reduce severe withdrawal symptoms.
Suboxone not only works on heroin addiction, but also on any opiate based prescription drug such as oxycodone, oxycontin, percocet, codeine, hydrocodone, morphine and vicodin. Suboxone can only be administered by a phyisician who is legally allowed to prescribe suboxone. To find a Delaware heroin addiction treatment center near you, feel free to browse our Delaware Suboxone directory for more information.