Drug Abuse in Montana
Oxycontin abuse is a growing problem in the state of Montana, as it is in much of the United States. Being that Montana is in the Pacific Northwest, and close to the west coast and Canadian border, it has historically been a major transshipment point for illicit drugs like cocaine and heroin. But with the sudden increase of Oxycontin abuse all over the state, large cities like Billings and Missoula are becoming major trafficking hubs for the shipment of Oxycontin throughout the entire Pacific Northwest. The Montana Department of Justice is now considering prescription drug abuse in Montana a “Silent epidemic” and a significant health and public safety issue.
Oxycontin has been on the market for a little over 15 years and has already ruined the lives of countless of individuals, while taking the lives of thousands of it’s users. Oxycontin was approved by the FDA in 1995 intended for use by terminally ill cancer patients, and chronic pain sufferers. While Oxycontin is a powerful pain reliever to those who need it, it is one of the most abused and addictive drugs in the world.
Suboxone Doctors in Montana
ChoicePoint Billings
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What is Oxycontin?
Oxycontin is a powerful prescription painkiller used for moderate to severe pain relief. Oxycontin contains oxycodone, which is a powerful semi-synthetic opioid analgesic, that creates a powerful opiate like effect for the user and is often describes to as synthetic heroin. Oxycontin works by stimulating certain opioid receptors located in the central nervous system. Once the Oxycontin has fully interacted with the opioid receptors, the user experiences instant pain relief, as well as a slight euphoria.
Oxycontin Dependence and Withdrawal
With prolonged Oxycontin use, the user will become tolerant to the drug, and require larger and larger doses to get the same effect. This can create a physical dependence to the drug, which means the body can no longer function normally without the presence of Oxycontin. With physical dependence comes the likely hood of the user having severe withdrawal symptoms if they stop taking Oxycontin. These withdrawal symptoms can set in hours after the last dose and can last anywhere from days to weeks. While withdrawal symptoms are not life-threatening, they can cause severe pain, vomiting and flu-like symptoms, and can be major obstacles for those addicted to Oxycontin to quit using.
Suboxone Treatment for Montana Oxycontin Withdrawal
Suboxone is a prescription medication used for the treatment of opiate dependency and withdrawal. Suboxone works on all opiate based drugs including Oxycontin, heroin, Vicodin, percocet, codeine, and morphine. Montana Suboxone treatment is administered in an anonymous outpatient setting and is usually combined with other effective treatment methods such as behavioral therapy, and drug counseling.
If you live in Montana and are struggling with a Oxycontin addiction do not hesitate to look through our Montana Suboxone directories for a Suboxone doctor in your area.