Heroin Addiction in Oklahoma
While demand for heroin has decreased in recent years, many areas in Oklahoma, including Oklahoma city and Tulsa are seeing just the opposite. Heroin use in Oklahoma city has skyrocketed in recent years, mainly due to the large influx of Mexican drug traffickers into the area. Because the majority of heroin comes from drug traffickers from Mexico, this recent influx has resulted in a widespread availability of dangerous high purity heroin in the area. While black tar heroin is the most widespread type of heroin available in Oklahoma, dangerous high potency white and brown heroin has been encountered with a potency level of almost 67%. This has led to numerous of overdose fatalities in recent years, and has ruined countless more families in the process.
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Oklahoma Heroin Abuse
Heroin is a semi-synthetic opioid that binds to the bodies opioid receptors giving users a rush of euphoria, and a reduction in anxiety and pain. Heroin is also known by various nicknames such as smack, gear, black tar or diesel and is often considered the most addictive and dangerous illicit drug. The dangers of heroin abuse are numerous. First off, intravenous use of the drug puts users at an increased risk of contracting dangerous blood-bourne illnesses such as HIV and hepatitis, as well bacterial infections such as endocarditic or venous sclerosis. Heroin abuse also comes with a high risk of long term addiction, dependence and even fatal overdose.
Heroin Dependency and Withdrawal
Long term heroin use is often characterized by an increasing tolerance, dependency and withdrawal symptoms. Heroin tolerance can build up even weeks after first using the drug, and requires the person to take larger and larger amounts of heroin to produce the same effects. High heroin tolerance can be an extremely dangerous side effect to heroin use and can lead to heroin overdose, which can often be fatal. A large heroin tolerance is often a symptom of heroin dependence. Heroin dependence is when the body becomes so used to having heroin in the system that it can no longer function normally without the drug. Heroin dependency is often associated with powerful withdrawal symptoms that often includes sweating, anxiety, depression, nausea, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, bone and muscle pain, and constant yawning. Heroin withdrawal can be very intense and is often a major stumbling blocks for people looking to quit the drug cold turkey.
Combat Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms with Suboxone
Suboxone is a prescription medication used for the treatment of heroin dependency and addiction. Suboxone, also known as Subutex, is a partial opiate agonist, which means it contains partial controlled amounts of opiates that work to combat withdrawal symptoms associated with heroin dependency. Suboxone is primarily administered in an outpatient setting and is often combined with other addiction treatments like behavioral therapy, and individual drug counseling. Suboxone is effective on any opiate based addiction including oxycontin, oxycodone, codeine, vicodin, percocet and morphine.
Seek Help Now
If you are struggling with a heroin addiction in Oklahoma please feel free to take a look over our extensive Oklahoma suboxone directory for a suboxone doctor in your area.