West Virginia Oxycontin Addiction Epidemic
The Oxycontin epidemic that has spread to many areas of the country is reaching epic proportions in the state of West Virginia. Also known as “Hillbilly Heroin,” Oxycontin has spread like a wild fire all over the state of West Virginia, with some of the highest usage rates in the country. Prescription drug abuse is now the second most commonly abused drug in West Virginia, only second to marijuana. In Wood county alone, over 100 people have died from prescription pill overdoses since 2003, with the rate of overdose fatalities increasing every year. West Virginia now has one of the nations highest rates of deaths from prescription drug abuse with nearly 25.8 deaths per 100,000 people.
While large cities such as Charleston and Huntington appear to be some of the hardest hit by this crisis, prescription pill abuse is widespread throughout the state. Smaller rural West Virginia communities who have never had substantial drug problems in their history, have been caught off guard by this epidemic and simply don’t have the resources to combat this growing problem.
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Oxycontin is a powerful prescription opiate used to relieve moderate to severe cases of chronic pain. While oxycontin is an effective pain reliever, it also can produce a strong sense of euphoria if crushed and snorted or injected intravenously. This high is often compared to as being similar to a "heroin high" and is commonly used by heroin addicts as a substitute for heroin. Since the drugs inception in 1995, oxycontin has been one of the most abused drugs in the country and has been responsible for thousands of overdose fatalities.
Oxycontin Addiction and Dependency
When patients take oxycontin as directed, or to the point where their pain is under control, this is not considered abuse. Abuse occurs when patients take more than is needed to adequately control pain, or in an attempt to get them high. Oxycontin addiction is characterized by the repeated, compulsive use of the drug despite the adverse physical and psychological affects it may be having on the individual.
Oxycontin addiction is often accompanied by a strong physical dependence, withdrawal symptoms and an increasing tolerance to the drug. Physical dependence is defined as a physiological state of adaptation to the drug where the body will produce strong physical symptoms of withdrawal without it. These symptoms can include insomnia, anxiety, diarrhea, bone and muscle pain, vomiting, nausea and severe stomach cramps. Withdrawal symptoms can be major obstacles for people trying to quit using oxycontin, and are often reasons for people to keep abusing the drug.
Suboxone for Oxycontin Withdrawal
If you, or someone you love, is suffering from painful withdrawal symptoms from oxycontin you may want to consider a drug like suboxone. Suboxone is a prescription medication specifically designed to combat withdrawal symptoms associated with an opiate dependence. Suboxone helps to ease withdrawal symptoms, while giving the patient relief to seek other effective treatments like behavioral counseling and addiction therapy. Suboxone treatment in West Virginia is effective on any opiate based drug addiction including heroin, oxycontin, percocet, vicodin, codeine and morphine.
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